Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Big Bathroom Reno

So we had this raging nineties wallpaper border in our master bathroom. Last week, Troy was like, "Ugh, this wallpaper sucks," and he grabbed a corner and tore it just to "see how easy it would be to take off." Ehem -- as it turns out... easy. Thanks to Troy's, er, curiosity, we ended up beginning our bathroom renovation a little earlier than expected.

We've decided to document our renovation. The plan: Remove wallpaper. Sand the surface. Wash the wall. Prime the wall. Continue the stucko knockdown that exists on the bottom 80% on the wall. Prime again. Paint. Note: we have no idea what we're doing.

Stage One: I imagine the previous owners thought it looked like marble. Only stripier, like a circus.

Paper Tiger, check. Wallpaper CHOMP, check. Putty knife, check.

You know what's funny? That first piece came off a lot easier than, well, all the rest of it.

Less circus. Still ghetto. I see a handsome man anxious to prime.

More to come...