We also constructed the obligatory garage signage for high visibility and maximum excitement.
Hayley likes.
We Dryzgas are full of surprises. And what a great time to spring one on Troy. Hayley LOVED having the one-up on her Dad, knowing some super top secret information before anyone else (except Mom, of course). Here, she shields the secret message from view before Troy's return home.
When Troy finally arrived, Hay refused to allow him to unpack his bags from the car. She was in charge of delivering an important message that surely he would be interested in knowing. First, she presented Troy with his new shirt. "Dad" with the number "2" on the back. This befuddled Troy, as he was absolutely positive he is NO less than the #1 Dad and Husband. To clear up any confusion, Hayley revealed the message on her shirt. "Big Sister." Although, before Troy had the opportunity to read it, like an uncorked bottle of vigorously shaken soda, she blurted out "MOMMY'S PREGNANT."
So, here's the future big sis.

And here's a sideways picture of a future Michigan Fan at just 6 weeks. Today, we're at 11 weeks, and we've seen the heartbeat (it was beating to the Michigan fight song, obviously), and we've heard the heartbeat, and the doctor gave us clearance to tell our friends and family. So, mark your calendar for sometime between the Purdue and the Iowa game to meet the new family member.
Ironically, Troy's initial distaste for being "#2" (instead of the intended message that he would soon be the Father of Two) would be mocked (trumped?) by none other than Baby D.
Baby D is due 11/1/11. All ones. The apple sure doesn't fall far :)
Oh My God, Meghan! So happy for you!!! What a cute family you have, and an exciting time for everyone!!